
Sick Puppy MMA Roster

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Active Roster
Sean Jack226lbs#256 (16-11)
Adam Maccance163lbs#398 (5-1)
Alexander Sangster158lbs#477 (8-7)
Ninian Atchison176lbs#634 (2-2)
Dean Butler179lbs#749 (7-6)
Domhnall Gibson258lbs#1078 (1-1)
Max Macchruim188lbs#1265 (4-4)
Jock Glenn168lbs#1278 (5-6)
Ysgawyn Brodrick209lbs#1308 (7-8)
Tristram Hardie155lbs#1317 (1-2)
Eder Osuna145lbs#1367 (4-6)
Laurence Lennox159lbs#1414 (5-6)
John Munro163lbs#1521 (3-5)
Tavish Mathieson142lbs#1643 (3-5)
Hope Roy132lbs#1663 (11-14)
Halbert Calhoun177lbs#1722 (3-6)
Ramsay Gibb200lbs#1759 (2-7)
Graham Montgomery185lbs#1781 (4-9)
Norman Wilson155lbs#1828 (3-9)
Forbes Mcginnis172lbs#1853 (6-11)
Africa Coburn139lbs#1927 (2-11)
Ian Mackay268lbs#1938 (2-13)
Roland Patton274lbs#0 (0-0)
Oliver Fairbairn199lbs#0 (0-0)
Clunes Graham175lbs#0 (0-0)
Ogilvy Maccrumb207lbs#0 (1-0)
Ryan Neil174lbs#0 (0-0)
Buzz "Ester" Butler 188lbs#1 (59-32)
Len "The Lunatic" Howard 174lbs#1 (60-32)
Ed "Ass To Mouth" Elkins 227lbs#1 (71-33)
Huntly "Beat You Like Greg" Hardie 181lbs#1 (73-32)
Alexander "Arnold" Drummond 183lbs#1 (54-33)
Hamish "And Eggish" Maccallum 163lbs#1 (59-36)
Shah "The One and Only" Paria 186lbs#1 (59-23)
Slater "Mr Coates" Barnes 191lbs#2 (33-8)
Michael "End Game" Martin 277lbs#2 (28-12)
Frankie "Likes to Spankie" Miller 233lbs#2 (62-49)
Calvin "The Hole Abuser" Griffin 186lbs#2 (62-40)
Gilchrist "Ye Savior" Moray 224lbs#2 (46-23)
Ralph Carson 272lbs#2 (49-22)
Walter "BH MMA Reject" Paterson 168lbs#2 (38-13)
Vitor "Banned In Vegas" Gonzalez 276lbs#3 (35-25)
Dylan "Cinnamon Ray" MacGrath 208lbs#3 (40-20)
Andrei "Forgotten One" Korolyov 175lbs#4 (60-41)
Mark "Sir Ilyin" Payne 209lbs#4 (37-16)
Sean "Ham and Cheese Loaf" Mccoy 271lbs#4 (57-36)
Dunmore Logan 205lbs#4 (37-18)
Cadwallader "Leave It To " Bevan 171lbs#4 (33-25)
Clarence "Caught the Clap" Hart 195lbs#5 (51-35)
Luke "The Drifter" Ryan 222lbs#5 (38-22)
Stanley "Crystal Glaze" Lowe 276lbs#5 (62-41)
Jim "Scotch" Ward 187lbs#6 (41-25)
Jack "McCack" Maccance 187lbs#6 (57-37)
Zhorah "Lump" Kuzmin 223lbs#6 (49-40)
Ronnie "Eater of Lunches" Mitchell 275lbs#6 (45-29)
Robert MacCormack 175lbs#7 (58-36)
Javier "Coke Lord" Diaz 261lbs#7 (30-17)
Abloec "The Pot Pirate" Wynne 184lbs#8 (46-33)
Nicholas "Little Miss" Moffett 209lbs#8 (35-22)
Omid "Hellbows" Elbaz 186lbs#9 (41-21)
Allen "Tweedle Dum" Quigley 196lbs#10 (41-22)
Nelson "Shinra Soldier" Butler 181lbs#11 (42-29)
Fred "Yokozuna" Bell 273lbs#11 (27-11)
Elliot "Duck" Norris 211lbs#11 (30-15)
Scott "Double Fisted" Thomas 167lbs#12 (45-26)
Chepe "Zack Fair" Vasquez 271lbs#12 (38-25)
Jon "Sephiroth Clone" Wilson 180lbs#13 (46-29)
Kyle "The Day" Walker 210lbs#13 (45-33)
Davis "Cow Catcher" Lennox 194lbs#13 (30-24)
Russ "The Roach" Kelly 222lbs#13 (20-7)
Hideaki "Jap Bastid" Jumonji 177lbs#14 (56-40)
Rich "Lite Wait" Ward 190lbs#14 (57-40)
Izan "Spain in the Ass" Castillo 173lbs#14 (30-18)
Brent "Jessie" Watson 231lbs#15 (30-17)
Rory "The Furious Master" Beattie 209lbs#16 (36-28)
Euan "Darth Maul" Lusk 239lbs#17 (64-49)
Mark "Decimation" Duffy 170lbs#17 (22-10)
Milo "Sperm Count" Phillips 193lbs#18 (38-19)
Murdoch "Munta" Melville 199lbs#19 (28-12)
Donald "Groin Itch" Maccoinnich 229lbs#19 (56-39)
Alan "Looney Toon" Mccune 194lbs#19 (28-18)
Mark "The J Town Jerkoff" James 276lbs#20 (48-30)
Paul "Kanzaland Assassin" Atchison 195lbs#20 (47-33)
Nao "Paranoia" Shionoya 235lbs#21 (31-15)
Lleufer "Used to Get" Picton 272lbs#22 (42-29)
Kirk "Satans Soldier" Johnson 210lbs#23 (30-20)
Masaru "Red XIII" Sakanoue 209lbs#24 (39-27)
Tank "Old Guy" Lewis 278lbs#24 (39-25)
Lawerence "Spaghetti Nutsack" Bailey 176lbs#25 (46-31)
Michael "The Mongloid" Peterson 228lbs#25 (35-28)
Jackson "Flower Girl" Miller 280lbs#25 (33-17)
Sean "Of the Dead" Cooper 231lbs#25 (35-25)
Benjamin "The Centipede" Scott 260lbs#25 (33-23)
Hisao "Boot Scoot" Tsuchie 210lbs#26 (47-41)
Ross "Skip" Jack 175lbs#26 (39-26)
Bryce "Bombs Away" Bryant 179lbs#26 (36-27)
Kenny "Dookie" Brown 165lbs#27 (35-20)
Crighton "The Jewligan" Macbeth 262lbs#27 (27-15)
Crighton "Haggard" Taggart 192lbs#27 (27-14)
Sasha "Zangan" Hart 179lbs#28 (35-23)
Chad "So Wrong Its" Wright 266lbs#29 (37-28)
Victor "Chief of the Tzul" Okoye 280lbs#29 (21-16)
Lindsay Adamson 274lbs#30 (30-17)
Norio "Tifas Father" Omori 192lbs#31 (34-16)
Arata "Ching Chong" Miyahara 173lbs#31 (51-40)
Brock "Has A Faulty" Colon 186lbs#31 (43-33)
Jean "Weign" Carpentier 182lbs#32 (38-26)
Jamie "Wicked Pissah" Whelan 257lbs#32 (24-12)
Angus "Choco Bill" Miller 277lbs#33 (23-13)
Adam Filipek 168lbs#33 (23-14)
Andrusha "Big Bro" Solovyov 269lbs#35 (30-21)
Masa "Don Corneo" Kimiyama 215lbs#35 (40-23)
Wadu "I Suck So Bad" Young 213lbs#35 (46-41)
Earl "The Pearl" Watson 264lbs#36 (42-33)
Robert "The Dothraki" Taylor 227lbs#37 (25-18)
Luis "Fatty Wagon" Ryan 221lbs#37 (27-19)
Joshua "Gives Beatings" Daly 188lbs#38 (21-11)
Russ "L Mania" Cooper 195lbs#40 (48-36)
Cru Johnson 166lbs#40 (19-8)
Pany "Rides a Pony" Jones 205lbs#41 (35-30)
Eric "Talked Back Once" Ross 175lbs#42 (34-25)
Clement "Grindin" Geerts 219lbs#42 (30-22)
Dave "Beast Mode Cowboy" Wilson 179lbs#45 (24-14)
Colm "Before the" Flood 251lbs#46 (32-24)
Austin "Steakhouse" Jones 266lbs#47 (33-24)
Burian "The Bodies Ive Been" Fokin 276lbs#47 (40-29)
Sean "Brooha" Macdougall 277lbs#47 (19-11)
Daisuke "The Baffoon" Mifune 266lbs#50 (31-16)
Cormac "Drinks Cognac" Campbell 144lbs#50 (31-21)
Fraser "The Crane" Macginnis 276lbs#51 (34-23)
Jake "Tifa Lockheart" Lewis 253lbs#52 (42-41)
Samuel "Heidegger" Anderson 230lbs#52 (35-22)
Kit "T Cat" Reed 211lbs#52 (26-16)
Stuart "Sleazy Stuart" Munro 213lbs#52 (24-14)
Dunmore "Queefer" Sutherland 174lbs#52 (30-23)
Conor "D Beast" Dempsey 156lbs#52 (19-6)
Rory "The Glory Holer" Mitchell 274lbs#53 (22-13)
Lima "Speecy Spicy Meatbal" Barrio 207lbs#54 (26-17)
Adrian "Critical" Masson 159lbs#54 (20-13)
Heath "Barrett Wallace" Johnson 205lbs#55 (33-28)
Robert "The Bomb Pop" Popham 169lbs#57 (30-19)
Troy "Tee Roy" Turner 176lbs#58 (44-33)
Barris "Tan Selmy" Hughes 177lbs#59 (33-24)
Al "Low Vera" Powell 159lbs#60 (39-29)
Frye "Cloud Strife" Powell 230lbs#63 (38-31)
Bruce "LaRoi" Gray 178lbs#64 (43-26)
Rob "Elena Turk" White 163lbs#64 (19-15)
Oliver "Smear the" Greer 198lbs#64 (49-36)
Ivor "The Mad Man" Munro 162lbs#65 (17-7)
Sevastian "Oh Shit" Osipov 268lbs#66 (39-28)
Nathan "Buckshot" Browne 178lbs#67 (16-6)
Romulo "The Stepfather" Dantas 165lbs#68 (38-28)
Mamoru "Dio" Matsura 225lbs#69 (41-34)
Egor "Palmer" Korovin 206lbs#69 (32-26)
Robbie "Slap Happy" Jodoin 231lbs#70 (19-12)
Ryan Perry 280lbs#70 (24-18)
Branden "Five Dollar Foot" Long 185lbs#73 (67-52)
Dodie "The African Click" Clacher 205lbs#76 (35-32)
Semyon "The Mucca Mad Boy" Krinov 271lbs#79 (33-27)
Ricardo "The Highway" Paiva 221lbs#80 (23-15)
Jac "Fwost Joe" Wogan 268lbs#80 (31-23)
Vasilii "Mukki" Ozerov 200lbs#84 (29-18)
Cassidy "Rufus Shinra" Griffin 183lbs#85 (18-11)
Kenny "Monday" Hall 205lbs#86 (41-28)
Carlo "Get in the Car and" Cruz 276lbs#88 (30-19)
Markus "Megaton" Adler 209lbs#88 (30-27)
Antosha "Bro Love" Frolov 268lbs#92 (42-51)
Helge "Dyne" Dmitriev 216lbs#92 (38-23)
Celso "Priscilla" Junior 188lbs#93 (38-26)
Mills "Lane" Lewis 184lbs#94 (25-23)
Jayden "Commander" Brown 182lbs#94 (34-28)
Keith "Terrance And" Phillips 178lbs#99 (23-19)
Stan "By Your Man" Wright 206lbs#99 (23-18)
Chalmers "Allis" Grant 153lbs#99 (29-21)
Richard "Furious" Jach 208lbs#102 (25-16)
Rob "Cait Sith" Cook 191lbs#104 (36-24)
Evan Browne 268lbs#104 (16-13)
Christie "Identity Crisis" Stewart 223lbs#106 (35-27)
Rommel "Mr Hangman" Aquino 224lbs#112 (13-8)
David "Balls Out" Butler 194lbs#113 (39-32)
Gabi "Flabby" Sanchez 275lbs#117 (22-13)
Clark "Village Headsman" Nelson 188lbs#118 (30-24)
Jacob "The Head Rat" Ferguson 208lbs#119 (23-18)
Kohaku "The Hookah" Yamakage 225lbs#120 (17-13)
Garnoc "The Plutonian" Powell 176lbs#121 (17-11)
Owen "Niggas Lotsa Money" Turner 277lbs#123 (48-44)
Marcelo "Nabisco" Nabuco 206lbs#126 (20-8)
Fedya "Johnny" Kozlov 277lbs#126 (30-21)
Brecon "Who What When and" Howell 154lbs#127 (28-19)
Mason "Lodge" Carter 193lbs#128 (34-16)
Joshua "Left Coast" Lemon 272lbs#129 (18-14)
Austin "Facial Hair Club" Cook 217lbs#131 (34-28)
Ty "You Up In a Knot" Bennett 231lbs#132 (30-17)
Nicol "Pervy" Irvine 264lbs#134 (17-9)
Jeremy "Chole" White 176lbs#135 (17-9)
Saer Pryce 184lbs#135 (21-14)
Hiroshi "The Flavor Saver" Joshuya 165lbs#137 (51-52)
Ren "And Stimpy" Hughes 216lbs#138 (19-13)
Usman "Ooooooos Man" Mullagori 201lbs#138 (14-7)
Gus "The Short Bus" Peterson 153lbs#140 (27-18)
James "Stewie" Griffin 252lbs#142 (22-15)
Arthur "Candid" Cameron 177lbs#148 (24-19)
Steve "The Minnesota Vi" King 251lbs#153 (24-16)
Noboyuki "Mr Holzoff" Kaza 276lbs#153 (24-17)
Yasha "Making Vets Cry" Izmaylov 197lbs#157 (35-22)
Randy "Hickey" Green 231lbs#163 (41-36)
Eitan "Quality Pussy Cuz Im" Zimman 192lbs#164 (32-24)
Balfour "Big Game" Hunter 160lbs#164 (7-2)
Wayne "Bow Bwight" Nadeau 263lbs#166 (42-35)
Kenji "Rude Turk" Funakoshi 265lbs#169 (26-20)
Brecon "Suicide Cradle" Cadle 280lbs#169 (25-20)
Masayuki "Yuffie Kisaragi" Tsujimoto 162lbs#171 (23-19)
Junior "Defeatorino" Victorio 171lbs#172 (26-17)
Marcus "Scott Farkus" Bryant 251lbs#173 (39-35)
Bull "Elmyra Gainsborough" Anderson 221lbs#173 (29-23)
Bruce "Bidens Bitch" Reed 176lbs#174 (32-26)
Guy "Smiley" Robertson 222lbs#174 (18-12)
Travis "Mud Butt" Roberts 205lbs#177 (37-23)
Lew "Dan Crude" Hughes 220lbs#178 (22-17)
Matt "Put it in My" Butler 163lbs#179 (26-25)
Jesse "Bloody Messy" Stevens 174lbs#181 (31-28)
Rory Ness 167lbs#181 (18-13)
Reece "Never Fully Ud" Apted 205lbs#182 (30-26)
Kenshin "Sephiroth" Hirase 262lbs#186 (23-19)
Hiromi "The Homie" Mimasuya 173lbs#190 (27-19)
Oscar "Los Groucho" Huerta 273lbs#190 (19-12)
Abydos "Droppin" Trow 177lbs#193 (21-15)
Egor "The Eyesore" Goncharov 150lbs#198 (31-25)
Davis "Duke" Ross 149lbs#198 (19-13)
Rafael "Rotten Raffie" Mereu 256lbs#203 (34-29)
Caleb "The Classy Quitter" Bryant 198lbs#204 (45-32)
RJ "Pitter" Patterson 215lbs#205 (21-17)
Mackenzie Mackenzie 168lbs#206 (24-21)
Andy "The Halfie" Hamilton 213lbs#207 (29-21)
Gavin "Harry" Henderson 190lbs#207 (27-19)
Fonsi "Says Aaaeeyy" Soto 183lbs#208 (24-27)
Chance "Aeris Gainsborough" Griffin 167lbs#210 (37-28)
Axl "Night Train" Collins 185lbs#211 (51-39)
Pavlusha "President Shinra" Yershov 153lbs#211 (35-29)
Patrick "Sportin" Underwood 146lbs#211 (19-13)
Noboru "Shinra Manager" Umehara 191lbs#212 (23-17)
Baird "Mr Wizard" Wilson 183lbs#212 (26-25)
Jake "The Clam Bake" Daley 140lbs#216 (19-12)
Hiroshi "Ifalna" Kawaguchi 195lbs#218 (38-32)
Jad Azevedo 171lbs#218 (14-13)
Sasha "Drunk for Days" Hayes 198lbs#221 (25-16)
Lance "Swamp Thing" Wood 277lbs#224 (5-1)
Stuart "Look What I Can Do" Buchanan 276lbs#227 (23-16)
Jamal "Richard" Simmons 174lbs#231 (30-21)
Will "Wonka" Evans 258lbs#232 (34-21)
Fionn "Gweyjoy" Shea 269lbs#235 (31-24)
Darren "Bugenhagen" Ward 159lbs#238 (23-21)
Hisao "The Hanoi Handjob" Maeda 264lbs#241 (28-30)
Shah "Hey Hey Hey" Fanaei 179lbs#241 (21-16)
James "Battle Sloth" Edwards 195lbs#244 (15-10)
Stanley "Mustard Plug" Maccailin 216lbs#245 (26-21)
Brody "Swollen Testicles" Konovalov 214lbs#246 (44-32)
Adda "Boy" Bowen 188lbs#250 (17-11)
Darren "Pooty" Tang 172lbs#251 (23-16)
Del "OT Refugee" Ward 184lbs#252 (37-18)
Bryce "Think Twice" Cooper 276lbs#255 (30-27)
Jared "The Subway Colonel" Sanders 175lbs#261 (44-33)
Wyn "The Wonderful" Woosnam 155lbs#261 (25-19)
Eugene "Attended Wrest" Anania 164lbs#263 (18-11)
Sammy "Tea and Crumpets" Powell 177lbs#264 (42-35)
Henry "The Twot Waffle" Daley 275lbs#271 (18-13)
Daniel "The Sheep Dog" Tavares 161lbs#275 (35-34)
Drummond "Cymbals" Smith 167lbs#275 (8-7)
Alvarez "The Bigka" Luna 273lbs#279 (17-13)
Kurt "Scarlet" McConomy 185lbs#289 (20-14)
Jestin "Dont Blink" Bliven 213lbs#291 (29-31)
Luis "The Grease" Reinhold 174lbs#295 (45-39)
Lincoln Rogers 166lbs#299 (7-7)
Ralph "Migraine Head" Acheson 221lbs#302 (22-18)
Bubba "Prison Shades" Gray 167lbs#306 (24-17)
Dave "Drunk Ford" Hayes 221lbs#311 (23-18)
Irvine "Swervin Irvin" Colquhoun 159lbs#312 (10-7)
Kalib "Killing Fields" Cooper 271lbs#318 (21-17)
Fritz "Has the Shitz" Griffin 201lbs#320 (24-17)
Buzz "The Killer Bee" Hamilton 191lbs#328 (33-26)
Elijah "Marlene Wallace" Martin 179lbs#328 (29-27)
Allen "The Sugar Beat" Bateson 170lbs#333 (14-11)
Athol "Bum Sticker" Munroe 252lbs#334 (34-31)
Duncan "Yawner" Macgregor 182lbs#337 (13-8)
Tadhg "The Good Ladhg" Reilly 195lbs#341 (18-15)
Ninian "The Hip Tosser" Paterson 224lbs#341 (9-5)
Earl "Vincent Valentine" Ryan 191lbs#346 (18-10)
Yorath "Stone Anus" Cadwallader 152lbs#352 (23-18)
Akira "Too Wong Foo" Akechi 173lbs#355 (29-16)
Sadwm "Can I Buy a Vowel" Cecil 207lbs#361 (27-24)
Iddawg "Chyna" Blethen 262lbs#362 (16-17)
Harri "Reams" Bennion 210lbs#363 (20-19)
Romulo "The Sorry Ho" Barrio 195lbs#366 (35-32)
Gregor "Mini Rock Man" Ralston 210lbs#367 (22-16)
Alain "The Alien" Amsler 197lbs#368 (19-15)
Koji "Noppo" Okabe 194lbs#371 (10-6)
Gary "Dont Call Me Kevin" Nash 161lbs#376 (44-45)
Robert Lister 267lbs#376 (10-6)
Rafael "Gut Wrench" Gutierrez 158lbs#379 (11-11)
Robin "Laid An Egg" Photirat 170lbs#383 (13-9)
Vince "Brick City" Simmons 210lbs#387 (24-22)
Owen "The Arcadian" Belling 193lbs#387 (23-21)
Aidan "Spastic" Rafferty 179lbs#390 (12-11)
Lucas "Cid Highwind" Stewart 259lbs#395 (25-18)
Masato "Oh Is She" Oishi 210lbs#397 (27-22)
Tariq "Family Man" Ohana 194lbs#397 (17-18)
Scott "All Day" Long 185lbs#411 (15-16)
Aiden "Does It For His Mom" Irvine 186lbs#411 (21-19)
Mark "Of The Beast" Macbride 211lbs#411 (4-2)
Cameron "Man" Lee 157lbs#419 (41-36)
Alex "The Bogey Man" Mulligan 158lbs#422 (10-9)
Aberthol "The Butter Ball" Bonner 231lbs#428 (11-9)
Kenhinde "Jack Handy" Jakande 204lbs#430 (15-8)
Vontell "Lookie Here" Swancott 187lbs#432 (19-23)
Lenny "Reeve Tuesti" Carter 190lbs#434 (23-25)
"Big Bad" John Ross 273lbs#437 (8-9)
Moray "The Eel" Campbell 146lbs#438 (3-5)
Chris "Conestoga" Page 181lbs#445 (29-27)
Marcus "Free Range" Foster 254lbs#445 (15-14)
Nori "Funds Sale is Final" Matsuda 262lbs#446 (24-23)
Kenshin "Shera" Shoda 164lbs#454 (25-21)
Art "Wedge" Smith 172lbs#460 (26-23)
Cooper "Tire" Taylor 178lbs#466 (23-19)
Caleb "Archer Blew Jon" Jones 202lbs#467 (15-21)
Eiddoel "Woody" Woosnam 256lbs#478 (16-11)
Kane "GRAPPLE" Morgan 165lbs#479 (6-3)
Strachan Moray 165lbs#479 (5-4)
Badan "The Hornet Truck" Bevan 253lbs#480 (30-24)
James "Slaughter Mouse" Slattery 172lbs#482 (29-35)
Hajime "Semusi" Fukumitsu 177lbs#485 (9-7)
James "The Lashley Dodger" Jach 160lbs#487 (35-34)
"He Dont Fucking" Keir Macchruim 271lbs#489 (7-8)
"Keep Rollin Rollin" Roland Mckay 197lbs#496 (6-6)
Jack "Off Master" Bateson 185lbs#497 (22-16)
Duane "Left Left" Wright 200lbs#502 (58-48)
Alex "Deaf Twot" Fitzgerald 189lbs#502 (18-16)
Abloec "The River" Wild 150lbs#505 (21-20)
Julien "Clouds Mother" Lacroix 189lbs#510 (41-40)
Grisha "The Bazooka" Babushkin 258lbs#530 (27-27)
Kentigern "The Scotty Fuckboi" Mathieson 207lbs#535 (23-23)
Nathan "Oak Island" Russell 220lbs#536 (13-7)
Oliver "Calypso" King 205lbs#547 (19-18)
Tolya "Butch" Gusev 277lbs#548 (12-11)
Robin "LOL at IQ and Desire" Verhoeven 206lbs#548 (20-24)
Aindrea "Pond Scum" Mcgee 264lbs#548 (22-16)
Brett "Kotch" Nash 275lbs#549 (25-19)
Benjamin "The Suck Lord Senor" Macdougall 206lbs#549 (15-15)
Charlie Bryant 202lbs#551 (7-7)
Donald "Trump Hair" Ramsay 247lbs#551 (15-18)
Jamie "The Jackal" Allen 206lbs#565 (7-10)
Ryo "Ones To The Sky" Okakura 184lbs#566 (23-20)
Naw "Mean" Worthing 269lbs#572 (17-15)
Bryce "Wrong Camp" Collins 267lbs#576 (19-16)
Christopher "I Aint Playin" Kidd 178lbs#577 (18-19)
Culhwch "First Name Nonsense" Baines 200lbs#578 (23-23)
Ramon "Touch of" Gray 275lbs#582 (25-23)
Peter "Lucrecia Crescent" Murphy 275lbs#582 (18-13)
Jacques "Deputy Mayor Hart" Dupont 177lbs#590 (20-16)
Charlie "GRAPPLE" Mulligan 256lbs#593 (5-7)
Fong Loi 176lbs#597 (18-13)
Anderson "The Rabid Dog" Lobo 256lbs#599 (43-36)
Ian "The Commodore" Collins 186lbs#603 (7-4)
Rory Regan 164lbs#603 (21-16)
Nicolai "From Russia With Lov" Vavilov 275lbs#604 (55-58)
Clarence "Professor Gast" Martin 274lbs#613 (30-28)
Cathal Rutherford 197lbs#615 (3-6)
Preston "Quack Jack" Adamson 201lbs#616 (29-30)
Daniel "Pekka" Rinne 150lbs#617 (15-14)
Dale "Choco Billy" Phillips 180lbs#619 (21-17)
Kurt "The True Aryan" Patterson 263lbs#621 (29-29)
Nate "The Loopy Hoop" Johnson 161lbs#629 (36-31)
Eoin Mcgee 256lbs#629 (2-4)
Guto "Geriputo" Gomes 172lbs#630 (23-25)
Wmffre "Wormfire" Williams 163lbs#634 (7-9)
Keir "Ralphie" Meyrick 265lbs#641 (17-13)
Phil Phillips 256lbs#651 (7-5)
Kalib Clark 164lbs#684 (11-10)
Callum "GRAPPLE" Moynihan 188lbs#684 (6-3)
William "Bunga" Lowe 237lbs#705 (12-11)
Chus "Im Trying To Sleep" Vasquez 180lbs#708 (36-42)
Cedric Barber 196lbs#709 (6-5)
Ramon "Elder Bughe" Thompson 181lbs#719 (3-2)
Bean "The Stalker" Keith 163lbs#720 (19-23)
Masato "Joe" Saito 178lbs#722 (4-2)
Sholto "Ur Mom Makes My" Cockburn 209lbs#728 (12-11)
Mick "The Gloat" Thompson 150lbs#730 (38-38)
Hamilton "Royal Blood" Patton 180lbs#730 (2-0)
Roberto "The Sleep Bringer" Rodriquez 185lbs#733 (20-26)
Auryn "Fat Boy Smasher" Watts 193lbs#733 (9-13)
Christopher "Colon Cleanse" Clacher 191lbs#745 (18-18)
"Buck Wild" Billy Butler 169lbs#745 (4-5)
Gustav "Ole Wooden Shoe" Andreasen 245lbs#746 (23-29)
Derrell "The Other Brother" Bennett 207lbs#748 (29-25)
Chad Price 161lbs#759 (4-10)
Chad "Professor Hojo" Martin 158lbs#764 (25-20)
Tyler "Santa Claus" Jackson 256lbs#765 (25-30)
Angus "GRAPPLE" Barnatt 157lbs#779 (4-4)
Adam "Always On Top" MacAleese 232lbs#784 (18-13)
Chalmers "Eluder of Wins" Macdaniel 174lbs#787 (30-26)
Tom "Bearded Black" Cherry 190lbs#789 (17-23)
Keith "Central" Parker 182lbs#790 (63-67)
Lance "The Romance" Williams 218lbs#790 (18-20)
Iwao "Poon Ranger" Serizawa 272lbs#795 (24-24)
Len "The Lynx" Coleman 170lbs#813 (17-17)
Michael Dwyer 176lbs#816 (13-13)
Ivor "Just OK" Moray 203lbs#819 (3-5)
Fferyll "Gghool" Crewe 226lbs#820 (11-14)
Cornelius "Aggressive Pacifist" Irvine 268lbs#843 (16-13)
Shuard "Fannie" Meyrick 151lbs#843 (6-10)
Hajime Horigome 196lbs#845 (2-4)
Hugh "G Rection" Bell 206lbs#849 (34-34)
Chase "The Insaniac" Hart 193lbs#852 (24-23)
Luis "The Grease" Cardenas 267lbs#853 (25-19)
Manny "Hitty Shiddens" Evans 205lbs#862 (30-31)
Bo "Ner Surprise" Pearson 266lbs#866 (15-16)
Aaron "Whiskey Bomb" Murphy 207lbs#869 (14-18)
Gage "Hot Damn" Robinson 204lbs#871 (44-39)
Kennedy "Mega Rock Man" Ralston 271lbs#877 (15-15)
Daichi "Kamakrazy" Muso 183lbs#892 (26-14)
Jean Gray 268lbs#898 (11-17)
Kelvin "Grease Monkey" Grieve 159lbs#899 (15-12)
Hawk "The Secret" Cooper 179lbs#900 (25-13)
Drake "Mutt Puppet" Hughes 194lbs#901 (11-10)
Callum "Like I Seeum" Butler 277lbs#907 (26-25)
Lou Evans 180lbs#924 (8-11)
Victor "E" Rowe 164lbs#926 (7-8)
Alexandru "How Du Yu Du" Dumitrescu 144lbs#930 (29-32)
Darren "You To Suck My " Wood 188lbs#939 (27-30)
Cai "The Pink Stinker" Bowen 176lbs#942 (16-13)
Richard "GRAPPLE" Haden 169lbs#947 (3-4)
Katsuo "Hi Hi Puffy Ami Umi" Shiratori 192lbs#948 (36-37)
Sean "Battle of the" Blackwood 168lbs#950 (6-6)
Gabriel "Latino Sheet" Ortiz 166lbs#977 (14-17)
Russ "Lin Jimmies" Jach 160lbs#978 (14-14)
John "Queer Green" Lawless 215lbs#978 (26-35)
Arsenio "Clean" Sanchez 279lbs#997 (19-17)
Branden "The Rotting Corpse" Evans 269lbs#1002 (3-1)
Stanley "Oil Can" Boyd 166lbs#1011 (15-22)
Aedd "Dee Dee" Pugh 174lbs#1012 (13-13)
Karolis "The Kolache" Kuris 188lbs#1012 (13-22)
Kyle "Mean Mug" Macginnis 150lbs#1020 (7-8)
Curt "The Medium Hurt" Rogers 168lbs#1027 (6-9)
"Black" Angus Macintyre 224lbs#1033 (8-17)
Vincent "Bok Choi" Mccoy 194lbs#1037 (6-7)
Arthur "GRAPPLE" Coleman 150lbs#1050 (4-6)
Aaron "Biggs" Brown 254lbs#1057 (24-25)
Abraham "Lincoln Tony" Blair 207lbs#1057 (13-12)
Muir "Manure" Patterson 151lbs#1059 (4-2)
Selton "Servin Fools Up" Carvalho 267lbs#1074 (19-19)
Lyle "Party Down South" Murray 254lbs#1084 (11-11)
Ethan "Rotted Oak" Fanning 210lbs#1092 (12-11)
Ken "Kanick" Ness 165lbs#1095 (11-12)
Matt "Mister Fuckles" Fitzpatrick 157lbs#1103 (8-10)
"The Mountain" Dew Anand 155lbs#1115 (4-10)
Laurente "The Roman" Korovin 163lbs#1121 (53-46)
Stephen "Watkins" Glenn 151lbs#1121 (5-13)
Dunmore Macrae 171lbs#1126 (1-5)
Bull "Lit Bill" Edwards 179lbs#1129 (9-11)
Renato "Baby Lou" Ramos 176lbs#1143 (27-28)
Scott "The Salad Tosser" Martin 178lbs#1143 (8-16)
Kazuhiro "Double Zero" Takei 189lbs#1163 (28-29)
Domhnall "GRAPPLE" Macdaniel 210lbs#1169 (5-5)
Murdoch Cunningham 187lbs#1174 (3-9)
James "Jimmy John" Johnson 156lbs#1180 (30-14)
Felix "I Wanna Go" Holm 209lbs#1184 (12-9)
Cameron "Takes Care of Biz" Ness 145lbs#1220 (17-19)
Henry "Lackluster" Douglas 211lbs#1222 (14-23)
Nori "Mr Roboto" Nakasawa 219lbs#1223 (26-28)
Gareth "Bad Breathe" Brickell 183lbs#1228 (3-2)
Robert "Downtown Bobby" Browne 159lbs#1243 (15-13)
Antoine "Distinguishism" Jacobs 176lbs#1248 (6-11)
Kerr "Swings" Lowe 170lbs#1251 (13-18)
Neb "Raska Dead Guy" Crewe 279lbs#1254 (3-4)
Shane "The Main Vein" Delaney 152lbs#1258 (7-17)
Harold Blackwood 171lbs#1270 (1-4)
Cael "Olympic Sized Fail" Howard 264lbs#1276 (12-11)
Barry "O" Barber 196lbs#1282 (14-12)
Madawg "GRAPPLE" Blethen 155lbs#1284 (5-5)
Ailbert "Sausage Eater" Neil 147lbs#1297 (8-9)
Philip "Pork Rind" Macdougall 247lbs#1303 (17-25)
Magnus "Tweedle Dee" Quigley 270lbs#1307 (19-19)
Cairns "The Slap Dick" Murdoch 156lbs#1309 (5-16)
Jerry "Skids" Nelson 200lbs#1329 (21-8)
Afagdu "A Faggy Bitch" Batch 206lbs#1331 (11-14)
Pepe "Hows Taste My Big" Nunez 198lbs#1335 (31-38)
Sean "The Night Hunter" Kane 189lbs#1336 (10-10)
Fraser "Ass" Masters 249lbs#1357 (4-3)
Mac "Slicky" Woods 146lbs#1359 (20-21)
Jason "Slackjaw" Macangus 158lbs#1360 (7-11)
Fingal "The Flame Thrower" Lennox 220lbs#1361 (2-4)
Olexiy Brutka 271lbs#1372 (3-6)
Adam "Bombs Vaginas" Daly 185lbs#1375 (16-20)
Ailbert "Vanilli" Milligan 249lbs#1381 (15-21)
Ewan "Shits in the" Woods 159lbs#1391 (5-17)
Philip "Ahhh Skeat" Skeates 172lbs#1412 (3-7)
Kennedy "GRAPPLE" Munro 142lbs#1429 (4-6)
Dodie "Shit for Brains" Paterson 163lbs#1435 (5-7)
Hamilton "The Great" Scott 255lbs#1442 (17-19)
Benjamin "Black Anus" Macangus 212lbs#1473 (14-16)
James "The Ram" Ralston 275lbs#1477 (20-22)
Jesstin "The Wagon" Weal 151lbs#1484 (10-13)
Randall Lee 219lbs#1488 (7-6)
Jonathan "Brittle Bones" Gunnarsson 256lbs#1500 (3-14)
Kyaw 144lbs#1504 (2-1)
Barry "The Box Truck" Reid 177lbs#1520 (1-1)
Fingal "Up the Ass" Donaghue 148lbs#1523 (3-12)
Zeke "The Business Handler" Gray 262lbs#1529 (23-30)
Ashton "The Butcher" White 234lbs#1535 (11-9)
Melissa "Thursday" Adams 138lbs#1537 (5-8)
Broderick "Drugs R Badd" Mackay 171lbs#1549 (21-34)
Laurence "Dragon Breathe" Dunbar 248lbs#1569 (18-18)
Nye "The Wet Dream" Weaver 198lbs#1571 (1-1)
Shujan "The Unprovoked" Ghatak 245lbs#1577 (19-29)
Mabon "Madness" Rhydderch 271lbs#1584 (3-6)
Sholto "Whitewater" Blackwood 196lbs#1586 (1-10)
Patrick "Todd" Sweeney 176lbs#1591 (21-19)
Parlan "Creepy Mo" Lester 179lbs#1610 (3-9)
Ben "Berserk" Burk 188lbs#1659 (17-16)
Edwin "Bingo" Hall 149lbs#1661 (4-3)
Magnus "Ver Magnus" Macconnell 189lbs#1674 (3-5)
Blair "Clayco" Moray 257lbs#1677 (17-28)
Nikola "Nicky Gas" Petrovic 268lbs#1682 (11-18)
Grant Kelly 189lbs#1684 (5-12)
Roger "The Rabbit" Roberts 137lbs#1699 (3-6)
Madawg "Fido" Mason 274lbs#1716 (9-9)
Bif "Spliff Huge" Hughes 176lbs#1745 (1-5)
Rian "The Metropolitan" Shea 201lbs#1774 (17-41)
Robbie "Slobbie Robbie" Wright 175lbs#1786 (35-38)
Lawerence "Tseng Turk" Albright 172lbs#1786 (15-18)
Rabbie Stewart 179lbs#1794 (11-12)
Mungo Macintyre 277lbs#1819 (18-29)
Eoin Delaney 228lbs#1835 (10-14)
Thomas "The Generic Guy" David 205lbs#1842 (0-1)
Mark "The Iowa Dairy" Cowden 138lbs#1855 (1-1)
Jack "Meoff Until I " Cummins 142lbs#1856 (16-21)
Hunter Coleman 155lbs#1864 (12-12)
Moffat "The Spiral" Hamilton 195lbs#1917 (6-6)
Masaaki "On Mafooti" Hirota 250lbs#1936 (44-52)
Branden "GRAPPLE" Griffin 197lbs#1949 (3-6)
Romeo "Ding Dong Dead" Herreria 167lbs#1952 (1-2)
Harold Evans 211lbs#1972 (12-15)
Brett "Harts Brother Died" Young 232lbs#1998 (28-17)
Angwyn "The Griffyn" Cecil 174lbs#2008 (5-7)
Dunmore "Bazooka" Kelly 183lbs#2018 (19-24)
Ynyr "Slym Jym" Stephens 215lbs#2076 (1-5)
Jascha "Reno Turk" Yusupov 254lbs#2110 (31-32)
Philip "GRAPPLE" Hearn 189lbs#2113 (2-6)
Jon Campbell 197lbs#2120 (8-13)
Khush "GRAPPLE" Takala 251lbs#2135 (2-8)
Malcolm Jach 267lbs#2149 (8-9)
Brent "Captain" Cook 137lbs#2155 (57-54)
Sam "GRAPPLE" Flood 171lbs#2161 (1-7)
Masa "Punani" Yamana 235lbs#2180 (55-65)
Graham "GRAPPLE" Maccance 191lbs#2187 (2-4)
Jean "Elder Hargo" Rogers 227lbs#2191 (0-1)
Seth "Black Death" Scott 200lbs#2192 (10-12)
Saoirse "Cant Say My Name" Brown 193lbs#2235 (16-30)
Bryce "Snatch Face" Roberts 155lbs#2252 (6-13)
Noah "The Final Fron" Tierney 172lbs#2254 (1-23)
Eurwyn "No You Win" Blevins 262lbs#2287 (10-24)
Joey "Salty Mafia" Daly 144lbs#2378 (16-37)
Clark "Griswold" Taylor 264lbs#2388 (21-24)
Hunter "The Scab" Ewart 176lbs#2393 (2-5)
Liam "The Fry Cook" Macdougall 214lbs#2411 (14-21)
Max "Slat Maxxery" Slattery 210lbs#2418 (20-36)
Lee "Slick Shot" Mccoy 160lbs#2422 (9-31)
Jack "Jappy Meal" Macaslan 191lbs#2431 (8-8)
Joseph "The Trucker" Conroy 181lbs#2446 (19-25)
Doug "The Dirt Dog" Cook 196lbs#2449 (11-18)
Justin "Bendo" Barnatt 176lbs#2469 (6-11)
Bran "Starks Floppy Legs" Thomson 202lbs#2521 (0-4)
Walter "Squid Pig" Quigg 149lbs#2528 (8-12)
Albert "Down Goes" Fraser 185lbs#2556 (12-24)
Gareth "The Girth" Watts 148lbs#2558 (0-1)
Victor "Hatfield" Mccoy 187lbs#2607 (9-15)
Alex "The Blood Horker" Hogan 184lbs#2684 (0-3)
Christopher "Master Mo" Montgomery 218lbs#2713 (0-4)
Abydos Profit 165lbs#2723 (21-29)
Giorgi "Bebop" Rocha 280lbs#2741 (0-7)
Lulach "Cooks Like" Rowe 169lbs#2755 (0-5)
Matthew "Smackie" Browne 187lbs#2760 (0-2)
Adamnan Acheson 188lbs#2780 (0-5)
Charlie Duffy 200lbs#2789 (0-3)
Gabe "The Buffalo Carp" Davis 145lbs#2831 (1-1)
Joseph "Dixie Land" Delaney 210lbs#2869 (1-3)
Barris "Bare Ass" Bowens 190lbs#2918 (9-12)
Craig "Carter Lake" Campbell 217lbs#2921 (11-14)
Antonio "Spreader of the Herp" Maria 262lbs#2925 (0-5)
Sarfraz "Pork Eater" Hijazi 268lbs#2968 (0-3)
Ronald "The Turkey Buzzard" Butler 263lbs#2983 (2-4)
Sidney "Scream" Ryan 205lbs#3140 (0-8)
Paulo "The Pinata" Rodrigues 251lbs#3164 (3-2)
Aiden "Out of Commission" Cunningham 209lbs#3258 (12-17)
Eiji "Mayor Domino" Kakinomoto 164lbs#3310 (15-24)
Everett "Denali" Jach 187lbs#3504 (9-13)
Bart "Only 20 And Already" Gray 169lbs#3507 (2-0)
Leith "Lick A Shot" Macqueen 157lbs#3707 (13-14)
Keith "Beef" Bryant 175lbs#4123 (12-7)
Fransico "Cabrera" Otelo 163lbs#4266 (11-4)
Raymond "Vinsonhaler" Wilson 199lbs#4735 (0-6)
Kazuhiro "Suzuki San" Yuasa 256lbs#4762 (31-39)
Markov "The Defect" Frenkel 251lbs#5218 (23-25)
Ben "Dover" Jackson 252lbs#5663 (17-26)
Yves "Mirgliotta is a Cunt" Baker 136lbs#9673 (2-3)