
Talent Phreaks MMA

Last Online - Friday 6th of November 2009
Display Name PhreakLeno
Member Since Aug 22, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 115-119


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I Chokeya
Camp Choke
9-9-2009 10:14 am EST
bro, your PG stats are wrong...reflex shouldn't be in there. it's JJ and Flex, to help beat GnP, boost Wr and Str for PG/SiO combo. good luck!
8-23-2009 6:00 pm EST
8 Points: Muay Thai, Speed, Footwork, Power ............. Fast Feet: Martial Arts, Speed, Footwork ............ Chop Down: Muay Thai, Martial Arts, Power, Footwork ......... Counter Strike: Boxing, Martial Arts, Reflex, Speed .......... Swing for the Fences: Boxing, Brawling, Power, Balance ............. Flying Submissions: Jiu Jitsu, Flexibility, Judo, Balance
8-23-2009 5:59 pm EST
Pull Guard: Jiu Jitsu, Flexibility, Wrestling, Reflex...........Power Locks: Sambo, Strength, Power, Wrestling............Ground and Pound: Wrestling, Strength, Boxing, Power............Sprawl and Brawl: Wrestling, Strength, Brawling, Balance/Reflex..........Slam it Out: Judo, Wrestling, Strength, Power ........ Lay and Pray: Wrestling, Strength, Conditioning, Balance